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Cover image for Nepali Student IT initiatives with real-world impact on people.
Balkrishna Pandey
Balkrishna Pandey

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Nepali Student IT initiatives with real-world impact on people.


Trying to compile a list of Nepali IT initiatives that have a real-world impact on people. I'd be interested in hearing about any IT initiatives you're working on that are making an impact in your community.

Image description

askmitra (formerly askitsnp) is an excellent example of a website that is positively improving the lives of IT students in Nepal by answering questions on the blockchain, cybersecurity, data science, artificial intelligence, python, and other topics.

pathao is another excellent example. which is a ride-sharing service in Nepal that uses technology to make people's lives easier. You can share your bike or car, as well as order food and packages. This technology also creates new work possibilities within a country, which helps to enhance the economy.

Please send the following details (if possible, feel free to adjust) while you comment,

  • Project Description
  • What kind of problem project trying to solve? Goals, objective
  • Is this an OpenSource project, if yes do you have any Github link you wish to share
  • Who is leading the project? Groups/Teams/Individual details.
  • When was the project started?
  • Any blog post or website link for the project?
  • What impact you have made so far?
  • Do you have any future plans to further improve or expand the project?
  • Any other relevant information you want to share

Thank you!

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

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