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Grace Bailey
Grace Bailey

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How to Convert Contacts from iCloud (vCard .vcf) into CSV File?

All of your iOS devices' contacts, calendars, pictures, and other data are stored on iCloud, the company's cloud storage service. As a result, there can be times when you need to convert your contacts from iCloud to a more popular format, such as a CSV file. Many email services and programs support this format. It's simple to import contacts from iCloud into Gmail, Outlook, or even Excel when you export them as CSV files. You will learn how to convert your iCloud contacts (vCard .vcf) to a CSV file in this guide. You will also be guided to the Address Book Converter software to make the process easier. Knowing how iCloud Contacts must be exported as a CSV file


It is simple to convert your iCloud contacts (vCard .vcf) into a CSV file for several reasons. You only need to perform the following steps to convert your iCloud contacts (vCard .vcf) to a CSV file:

  • If your iCloud contacts are in a CSV file, you can store a backup.
  • You can store the CSV file offline on your computer or an external drive.
  • You can upload your contact list as CSV, which makes sharing it with others easy. as opposed to trading connections individually.
  • Contacts saved as a CSV file allow you to maintain control over your data and reduce the reliance on a particular platform.

These steps attest to the many benefits of converting your iCloud data to CSV. We'll also learn how to convert contacts from iCloud (vCard .vcf) to CSV. The Best Two Ways to Export Contacts from iCloud to CSV Files.

There are two methods to convert iCloud contacts into CSV files, which are described in the next section. Using a professional application or manually converting your iCloud contacts into CSV are your two options.

First Option: Convert vCards from iCloud Contacts

Your iCloud contacts just need to be stored in vCard format.
It is then possible to convert the vCard files to CSV files.

  • Log in to iCloud.com after starting a browser.
  • Log in using your Apple ID information.
  • Open the iCloud interface after logging in.
  • You can access your iCloud contacts list by clicking the Contacts icon.
  • To click on each contact, select Select All from the Settings (tool symbol) in the lower-left corner of the Contacts page.
  • You choose the "Export" vCard item from the options menu.
  • Your contacts will be stored in a .vcf file that is sent to your PC.

Note: We will go over how to properly convert the VCF files into CSV in a few clicks. as the manual process requires technological expertise. Accuracy is not included either. Following on with a reliable choice is therefore preferable. Just follow these steps to convert all of your contacts from iCloud to CSV properly:

The easy way for vCard to CSV file converter

All of your vCard contacts can be converted to CSV format using the DataVare Address Book Converter Software in a few simple steps. Several CSV formats are supported, such as Outlook and Google CSV. Batch conversion allows you to manage several iCloud contacts independently while maintaining data detail. To make the conversion of iCloud contacts to CSV, it provides other features. Also, all VCF versionsβ€”4.0, 3.0, and 2.1β€”are supported by the application, providing seamless conversion into CSV format. Moreover, it supports all VCF file types and is compatible with all Windows versions:

A few steps to convert all contacts from iCloud to CSV
To convert your stored vCard files to CSV, follow these steps:

  • The first step you can do is to install and use the Address Book Converter Tool.
  • Click "Add File," choose the VCF file you want to export, and then click "Open" to import it into the application.
  • An example of the contact list is shown in the window that follows. Click "Next" to continue.
  • Choose CSV as the output format and specify where the converted file should be stored.
  • Next, select any additional features or options that are necessary.
  • Finally, click the "Convert" button to begin the vCard to CSV converter process.

Last words

Converting your iCloud contacts to a CSV file allows for simple management or converting your contact list into other applications, such as Google Contacts, Outlook, or Excel. Whether you want to utilize the iCloud web interface in a manual way or a specialist program to make the process quicker, converting your iCloud contacts to CSV gives you an easy and completely suitable format. If you do the actions described in this post, you can swiftly and efficiently convert your contact information and use it as required across several platforms.

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