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Sophia Emma
Sophia Emma

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5 Kitchen Renovation Mistakes and What They Can Lead To

They say that in any repair the most expensive consumable material is our nerve cells. We will tell you how to save them, avoiding typical repair mistakes and the costs of eliminating them later.

Mistake number one. Lack of planning and design project

Renovation does not like improvisation. A design project of the future interior and a clear plan for its implementation will significantly reduce the time, costs and efforts of the one who gets involved in the remodeling of the apartment. Spontaneity is one of the most important and expensive mistakes in remodeling. And it's not even that as a result there is a chance to get an ill-conceived interior with unexpected aesthetics. Renovation without a clear sequence and a clear idea of ​​what will be in the kitchen, bathroom and other rooms often leads to other miscalculations that are expensive to correct.

For example, if you don't think through the electrical outlet layout at the initial stage, taking into account the furniture arrangement, you can end up with a switch that is located on the wrong side of the door or hidden behind the back of the sofa. And you won't be able to redo it by chasing through fresh wallpaper.

In practice, there are often cases when the renovation is in full swing, plumbers, electricians, painters and plasterers are working, and at the same time there is a finished parquet floor in the rooms. They try to protect it with a film, but this is not always done well. Experienced builders say that all finishing work on the floor should be done immediately before handing over the renovation to the customer. After all, no matter how you cover the surfaces, scratches, chips and other damage will certainly appear on them during the renovation. The same applies to large-sized custom-made furniture: it is installed only after the final finishing of the kitchen is completed.

Service comment

Sometimes a client orders a kitchen, and the workers miss the deadline for finishing the renovation. As a result, we deliver and install the furniture while finishing work is in progress. Unfortunately, any horizontal surface is often used as a workbench by the workers. As a result, after some time, we are called to fix chips on the facades and scratches on the tabletop of new furniture.

The right decision

Before renovation, it is worth contacting a design bureau and drawing up a project for the apartment. If this is not possible, you can independently make an approximate diagram of the future arrangement of furniture in the room or kitchen. You can come to the Stylish Kitchens and Interiors salon with it and, together with a professional designer consultant, create a project for free, get recommendations on sockets, take measurements or call a specialist who will help you decide on the layout of sockets and water outlets. All these actions will help you avoid impractical planning and unsuccessful decisions, optimize costs and get a comfortable and stylish room.

Mistake number two. Do-it-yourself repairs or hiring unverified craftsmen

You can do the repairs yourself, or you can hire a team of builders. It is very important to contact only trusted specialists with recommendations.

When unscrupulous workers get down to business, they may try to speed up the process, for example, forget to prime the wall or dry it before the next layer not for 12 hours, as required by technology, but only four. This leads to the fact that microcracks appear on the wall finish, and fungus forms, which is very difficult to remove.

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When the customer learns that leveling the walls using beacons is more expensive than regular plastering, he may be tempted to save money: he was going to build a wardrobe into this niche anyway, and in his opinion, custom-designed furniture will cover up uneven walls and crooked corners.

Service comment:

It is not possible to hide all the builders' mistakes under false panels. Therefore, in places where the kitchen, wardrobes and other built-in furniture are installed, it is necessary to align the walls at an angle of 90Β°.

The right decision

When carrying out repair work independently, at each stage of the repair, consult with experienced specialists of different profiles: electrics, plumbing, finishing works. For complex work, it makes sense to hire highly qualified specialists and conclude an official contract with them for the provision of services.

Mistake three. Wrong choice of materials

Even a great craftsman won't do a good renovation using low-quality materials. Glue, wallpaper, tiles, flooring, paint - everything should be of good quality and from trusted brands. Unfortunately, the owners of the apartment often realize this only at the end of the renovation.

In the kitchen, attention is often paid only to the choice of the countertop. However, in the kitchen, absolutely all surfaces must be resistant to moisture, damage, temperature changes, strong heating, especially if a gas stove or grill is used.

In addition to the quality of the material, it is worth thinking about its functionality. Many beautiful surfaces will prove to be very impractical in use. In particular, gray matte walls in loft-style interiors are a very fashionable trend. But fingerprints are more noticeable on them than on a wall in tiles or wallpaper. Will such a surface be convenient and how often will you have to clean the kitchen, especially if there are small children in the family?

The right decision

Designers in the Stylish Kitchens and Interiors salons ask many questions to find out from the client who will be the user of the future kitchen, what habits and features these people have. The answers will help suggest the best choice of not only materials, but also the kitchen interior as a whole.

Mistake number four. Unthoughtful choice of furniture and accessories
Often, when choosing furniture, household appliances and accessories, customers do not take into account the features of their interior, do not take into account the habits and lifestyle of the family. This deprives the interior of practicality and ease of use. Even high-quality repairs and furniture installed according to all the rules can disappoint if you do not see the whole picture.

For example:

  • the upper kitchen cabinets are too high or too low, and not at a comfortable eye level,
  • in a narrow rectangular kitchen, the furniture is arranged along one of the walls, although it would be more convenient to make a corner kitchen instead of a linear one,
  • it is inconvenient to use a corner dryer,
  • pull-out storage systems seemed too expensive, and now you have to climb into the cabinets up to your waist,
  • the sink is good, but too small, and next to it there is now a permanent mountain of dishes waiting in line f or the dishwasher.

The right decision

Contact a professional who will help design furniture taking into account the habits and needs of each client individually. To do this, sign up at any Stylish Kitchens and Interiors salon and create a design project together with the designer. It will include a well-designed work triangle, thought-out furniture that will provide maximum comfort in use, and important nuances such as the client's height or dominant hand will be taken into account.

Mistake number five. Plumbing work was done by eye

Most often, the installation team encounters problems such as errors with water outlets when installing and connecting the kitchen. For example, if the sewer outlet is located above the required level (350 mm from the floor), the slope of the communications will be insufficient, and water from the sink will drain poorly.

It is strictly forbidden to locate water and sewer outlets behind washing machines and dishwashers, but often this violation is only discovered during installation.

The right decision

Make a project for the arrangement of furniture in the kitchen and only then carry out sewer and water supply work, taking into account the location of all points. This will also help make all water connections accessible. After all, in the future they will have to be serviced, minor repairs will have to be done, and hoses will have to be changed. Therefore, it is better to place the utility connections in the area of ​​the cabinet with the sink, in the visibility zone, so that you do not have to hastily change something in the finished kitchen, for example, swap the sink and the hob.

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