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Abhik Chatterjee
Abhik Chatterjee

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Top 10 Deep Learning Frameworks That Are Highly Popular In The Current AI Market!

Deep Learning has the capability to revolutionize the Artificial Intelligence (AI) world notably! It allows machines to learn & offer complex solutions seamlessly. The proper implementation of Deep Learning models demands frameworks that enable effective computation & make the whole process easy! Here, we are going to explore the top 10 Deep Learning frameworks, their characteristics & how they contribute to creating desired AI solutions.


TensorFlow, created by Google, is considered one of today's most popular Deep Learning frameworks. Its comprehensive ecosystem builds & deploys Machine Learning models across different platforms. The versatility & scalability of this open-source software library makes it highly appreciated for both research & production environments. Tensorflow is well-suited for defining complex neural networks and supports distributed computing.


It’s a Python package developed by Facebook's AI Research lab, that emphasizes a "define-by-run" philosophy and facilitates Deep Learning applications like natural language processing & computer vision. It has a dynamic computational graph & an intuitive interface. PyTorch makes it easy for developers to debug and experiment with models. It’s highly flexible and has extensive community support that helps a lot in research & prototyping purposes.


Keras is an open-source software library with a user-friendly & intuitive Python interface. It runs on top of TensorFlow. Keras has different pre-trained models and it supports both convolutional & recurrent neural networks. Keras influences seamless model deployment across different platforms and becomes a suitable one for production use.


Chainer is a well-known Python-based Deep Learning framework known for its "define-by-run" approach, like PyTorch. It holds processing history in a net without the underlying programming logic. It allows developers to define models on the fly and make them very flexible & debug-friendly.


Torch is a scientific computing Deep Learning framework that follows Lua programming language. It has a very flexible interface for constructing neural networks. Its comprehensive nature is beneficial for model prototyping and experimentation. Torch framework has many packages & pre-trained models that make it a welcoming one for researchers.


MXNet is a very efficient & flexible open-source Deep Learning framework. It supports different programming languages and has a dynamic computational graph. MXNet is highly scalable & effective for distributed training & deployment on different devices like CPUs, GPUs & specialized accelerators.


Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) is a Microsoft-powered Deep Learning framework for creating, training & analyzing neural networks. It’s famous for its efficiency, scalability & robust nature. CNTK’s flexible architecture helps developers to build complex models easily. Its distributed training & inference are very effective for large-scale Deep Learning applications. Also, its well-integration with Microsoft technologies helps a lot in cloud deployment.


Caffe (Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding) is another popular Deep Learning framework, which was built by the University of California, Berkeley. It’s a very powerful framework known for its speed & efficiency and is effective for image classification & object detection. The pre-trained models of Caffe are called ‘Caffe models’ that help developers in transfer learning.


Numerical computation & optimization has been made easy with this powerful Deep Learning framework. Evaluating those mathematical expressions having matrix values becomes efficient by using Theano. Its symbolic expression allows automatic differentiation and becomes effective in computing gradients for training deep neural networks. Theano is a reliable framework renewed by the PyMC development team, as Aesara.


It’s a toolkit that allows Java Virtual Machine-based (JVM) Deep Learning applications. It includes a general-purpose linear algebra library (ND4J), a C++ library (LibND4J), a Deep Learning & automatic differentiation framework (SameDiff), an ETL (Extraction, Transformation, & Loading) tool, an integrated Python execution (Python4J), and a high-level API (DL4J).

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