The most tedious task when you write an academic paper is not the pain of composing it. It is dedicating lot a lot of hours to research. Without research, you cannot write a paper that holds credibility. If you skim on proper study, you are setting your hard work to fail. Master's dissertation is one such field where you have to involve yourself in this task.
This article will provide you with the meaning, and differences, how to justify your research and how to write this section of the dissertation. You will also see some points that you must avoid when you write research methodology. Let’s start with its meaning.
What Is Research Methodology
Research methodology is the organized manner for solving an analysis problem by gathering data utilizing different techniques, supplying an understanding of the data collected and pulling conclusions about the study data. A research methodology is a blueprint of a research or study. As such, the methodology in the research proposal is of utmost importance.
It is the backbone of all academic papers. If this step of your paper is weak, the chances of your work getting published become zero. This step provides weightage to your paper. Now let's see what the difference is between methodology and methods.
Difference Between Methodology and Method
The confusion surrounding these two terms is quite big. The reason is that both terms are often used interchangeably. However, there is a huge distinction between them. Method is a technique that you use to collect evidence that will back your work, Whereas, the methodology is a theory that tells you how research does or should proceed.
To summarize the two, methods are the technical steps that you take to conduct research and methodology, is the reasons why certain methods are employed in the process. They are both necessary as they go hand in hand and are vital to making a research paper complete.
Justify Your Methodology
To achieve success in your academic paper, using methodology is not enough. You must justify why you have chosen a certain procedure to prove your point. It is a crucial point and must be given due consideration. So, you will see in this section the importance of justifying your method.
Methodology Choice and Research Objective
You must explain the connection between the method you chose and how it links with the research goal. You will clarify what method, quantitative, qualitative or mixed, you have opted for and how it connects to your main goal.
Evidence from Existing Literature
You must give examples where a similar approach has been used. It will provide gravitas to the work you have done. Moreover, it shows that these methods have been used in the past and have achieved the desired results. It will help your academic career so much.
Address Potential Limitations
You must always be transparent about the limitations of the methods that you have used. You should never shy away from stating them. Moreover, you must also provide ways that will allow you to overcome these difficulties and bridge the gap between them.
Effective Ways to Write Research Methodology
You saw what methodology is, its differences and how you should justify your methods. Now, you will see some effective ways that will help you write it. It will allow you to perform better and you will present a paper that has all the qualities necessary for publication. So, let’s see what these points are:
Present Your Methods
Present the methodological process used to analyze your study problem. In one of the earlier sections, your methodological process can be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. Search for a method in the research sample you will use as a contact point.
Establish Connection
You must explain your research methods and the problem you want to solve. Moreover, you must make the connection between the two clear and there should be no place for ambiguity. Your method should be appropriate to achieve the goal that your paper wants to achieve. You can also get PhD dissertation help if you have any issues in the writing methodology section of your paper.
Introduce Your Instruments
Denote the study instruments you are going to use in gathering your data and define how you are going to use them. These devices and tools can be your surveys, questionnaires for interrogation, and remarks. If your strategies include archival study or examining existing data, supply background details for records, including who the actual researcher is, as well as how the data were initially made and collected. Keep in mind that aside from your procedure in a research paper, the title of the study instrument is also important.
Debate Your Analysis
You must explain how you are going to analyze the data that you have collected for your research. Depending on the methods, you must look for ways that will prove your main objective or goal. You can use statistics or theoretical frameworks to prove your point. It will give you the boost that you need when you submit your work for review.
Furnish Information
When you provide a method for your research, you must provide background information about it. It will allow the reader to understand your perspective, as they might not be familiar with the methods that you have employed. Moreover, it will also provide clarity to your paper and will work in your favour.
Discuss Sampling Process
Sampling methods are crucial parts of your methodology. Describe the logic behind your selection procedure. For example, if you are utilizing statistics in your study, state why you chose this approach and your sample procedure. If you will do interviews, explain how you will pick the participants and conduct the interview.
Address Research Limitations
Make sure to address potential hurdles in your study, such as functional limitations that may impact your data-gathering process. If there are possible issues you expect to encounter in the process, point out why you still chose to use the method despite the risk.
 Things to Avoid In Research Methodology
So, you saw how you should write your methods section in your research paper. However, it is also vital to know what pitfalls you need to avoid when you write your method section in the paper. So, let’s see what those points are:
The most vital thing that you must keep in mind is not to use irrelevant details in your paper.
You should keep your methods section quite clear and straightforward. You must not include details that do not contribute to the research. It will confuse the reader.
Keep your explanation on point. Also, you must avoid writing unnecessary facts when you explain your points and try to keep things clear and concise.
You must not ignore the problem you might encounter when you write your methods section. Also, you must mention how you overcame the issue and how beneficial it was for the research.
So, you saw the definition of methodology, the differences and how to write this section of your research paper. You also saw things that you need to avoid when you write this paper as it will make your piece more presentable. Master's dissertation is one such area where this information will be useful for you.
You must use all these methods as it will improve your paper and increase your chances of getting your work published. It is an essential reason why you start doing research in the first place. So, take the tips in this article and make your paper worth publication.
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